Julia Batt

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Heath Ward Learn more

What a week…

by Julia on 13 October, 2007

Lack of posts have been due to an overloaded schedule this past week. Four Council meetings, a few campaign literature meetings, a PTA disco (for which I’m treasurer) to help with arranging, a ‘Morsbag’ making session, attempting to arrange kids Christening, general kids taxi service, full-time mum and a fair few constituent problems cropped up this week as well.

I can honestly say that this week I’ve discovered what the saying “my feet haven’t touched the ground” really means, although it might be more honest to say “my backside hasn’t touched a sofa!”

So for all this running around, there should be lots of positive outcomes to report…

  • Buying from Bookers for the PTA disco meant I discovered that Wispas are now being sold again – I’ve emailed Cadburys regularly for their return – ’bout time too!
  • PTA disco raised £374.21 – well done everyone involved
  • Lib Dem Members newsletter will be posted out in the next couple of days
  • We’ve got about 20 bags made and have approached the Mayor’s office about help getting publicity when we hand them out.
  • I attended a very positive “Fant/Heath MAPS” meeting this week. MAPS stands for Multi-Agency-PartnershipS”. These are meetings where all local agencies (Police, Primary Care Trust (PCT), Maidstone Housing Trust (MHT), Maidstone Council etc etc) all come together in one forum to share experiences and work together for positive outcomes in the area. There is a fair danger that these can just be talking shops. However, at this meeting we discussed the Springwood Estate in detail. It has been subject to a fair amount of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) but this has finally ‘come to the top of the list’ and is now to become a ‘PACT’ (Police And Communities Together) area. There was a community day held on Barming Heath yesterday for this – more information will be updated when the ‘results’ are in. Residents should also be represented on MAPS, but we currently don’t have any. If you would be interested in attending, please get in touch and I’ll give you more information.
  • I’ll post the link to the webcast of the Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny meeting (when it’s available online) here. Topics under discussion were Maidstone Market and Maidstone Housing Trust.
  • Constituent problems are being addressed
  • Christening plans have been thwarted by lack of a postal service… must be number one priority next week…

And the negatives of the week:

  • Bookers is a bulk sale cash & carry meaning that Wispa’s mentioned above were sold in packs of 48…. I have come out in a MASSIVE spot due to over-indulgence…

I’m glad Gordon Brown decided not to call a General Election last week – If he had, I think I’d be a gibbering wreck by now!

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